Anyway, here's my bonnet. It's an 1840's poke bonnet. It presented a few challenges. First, I had a sample - always good. But (there's always a but) it was going to be the same, but different! Let's add a wire brim and change the interfacing and then the fabric...You get the idea.
The new fabric was a moire. It wasn't easy to hand sew, so adding the bound edge was a test for the fingers. I had to use a pair of pliers to pull the needle through.
I'm quite pleased with it. I had fun trimming it. The ribbon is vintage rayon, made in Paris. It came wrapped in delightful brown paper. The feather and roses work well. I have some white flowers I could use, but I'm not sure. One always has to think about who will use it and how it will be taken care of. I've seen a few sad sights, I can tell you.
What do you think? Ready for an afternoon promenade?
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