A big thank you to everyone who came to our Art and Tea in the Garden last Saturday. It was a fabulous day all round: perfect weather, perfect food and tea, wonderful friends dropping by and new people to meet! I was surrounded by inspiration and the warmth of friendship all day. How perfect is that?
To me, these events are a little holiday. A chance to just be an artist for a whole day, to be in the company of other artists, with time to talk; it gets the creative juices going. I look at what I've brought to offer and ideas come. "Maybe I could try this, or make that." I have to keep notes, so I can use them for my next show. That will be FiberFest in Almonte this September.
Since the move had absorbed so much of life, I haven't been to my creativity table much. But that will change! My storage closet has begun to take shape. I am categorizing and sorting my stash. My aim is to have the categories well defined. For the stuff that must remin in boxes a bit longer, I plan to get it all out, take a photo and paste it on the box. It's the best way to keep a visual inventory that I know!
On to the next show! See you there!