Friday, January 24, 2014

Moving house

After nearly 29 years in this old house, we are moving. So the boxes have piled up and been shifted to the new place. I am getting more ruthless as we go along! Clothes I haven't worn, shoes, old bags and bric-a-brac. Gone!

The new bungalow has lots of cupboards, but I can see we will soon fill them all. We also have too much furniture for two levels, having 4 right now. So I am a little stressed out! If anyone you know wants to buy an fine older home in Old Ottawa South, let me know!

I am going through my stash and did chuck out a bunch of stuff. Then I thought some more. I should have a sale! So I have shifted some of my stash to my studio and will organise a fabric sale for the early spring. It's so cold here, no-one will come out shopping now! So stay tuned for the date!

Meanwhile, I find being at the studio peaceful. No lists of things to pack, just my work. Right now, I am making an 1840's bonnet and dress.

Doll Street Dreamers is keeping me busy and this week I have added some new patterns and classes. Colleen Babcock has converted one of the classes she taught live into a pattern. It's Finders keepers. I took this class with Colleen and it's a really fun doll to make.

Maybe this doll can find some of the things that are getting misplaced during this move?

Order the pattern at Doll Street.


  1. Poor you:( I recently emptied my brother's three story house this fall to put it up for sale. Now my little bungalow is stuffed to the rafters and the garage is full too. At one point I had 83 bankers boxes full of books. Fortunately they have all gone elsewhere now. I'm thinking garage sale in the spring:)

  2. I'm also thinking two massive garage sales in Spring: one for fabric and craft books, one for household stuff. It's exhausting!


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