Don't you miss the mail like it used to be? That peek in the mail box to see what letters came today? I do. I am moving house and while packing up, I keep coming across old letters. Some are stuffed in books, some are filed away in drawers and boxes. It was a poignant moment to read one from my mum, written when I was expecting my son. Sigh. Opening the mailbox used to be full of anticipation. You remember, you'd been thinking about a distant friend and the next day, there's a letter form her in the mail box! That was fun!
Valentine's Day used to fill the mailbox too. Now we probably get more e-cards than anything. My friend Judy Skeel has the right idea. She's making fabric postcards to send. Right back to hand made, that's the spirit! Better yet, she's leading a class and teaching all sorts of fun tricks and techniques for fabric play and manipulation. Using paint sticks, Angelina fiber, tyvek and more! Let's make some fabric art with Judy!
You can join the fun right here!
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